Sep 5Liked by The Kate Awakening

I'm interested in the synchronicity aspect. Thank you for doing this. Always food for thought. We should be able to discern by now and I do Not consider any of these "new age crap".

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Sep 5Liked by The Kate Awakening

Journey of Souls is on my list! <3

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Sep 6Liked by The Kate Awakening

Journey of Souls provided an awakening when I was guided to read this transforming book, twenty years ago. It was the beginning that took me to Sydney Banks' work. A suggestion for future reading would be The Enlightened Gardner, and Revisited. A simple and profound understanding of Thought and human psychological functioning.

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Sep 5Liked by The Kate Awakening

Journey of the Soul was an amazing book. Change my perspective on life and death.

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Sep 5Liked by The Kate Awakening

I have not heard of Journey of Souls but it sounds fascinating so I vote for that one.

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One I've been enjoying is, Eternal Echoes: Exploring Our Yearning to Belong by the late Irish priest, Father John O'Donohue is a beautiful spiritual read first published in 1999. He also published Anam Ċara in 1997. I'm reading Eternal Echoes now and have ordered Anam Ċara, his take on Celtic Wisdom. Refreshing view from an Irish Catholic priest.

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Sep 5Liked by The Kate Awakening

Journey of Souls is one of my top five favorites! However, I haven’t read this book by Deepak and I feel it’s a good time in the world for it, thanks!

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I like 2 or 3. 3 sounds fun.

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Kate, a book to consider even if it's just for your own personal reading. You Forever by T. Lobsang Rampa. It was a kind of text book for the supernatural, or a text book to build the gifts we are all endowed with but, have had them hidden from us through words like Occult... Peace...

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Sep 6Liked by The Kate Awakening

I am intrigued... :)

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Would you consider reading The Celestine Prophecy, in the future? X

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Already read the first 2 and they are both fantastic, so number 3 I have never even heard of but am intrigued by the title. I'll look it up on-line.

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I haven't joined before . . . will you send the info via your substack? Thanks!

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Deepak Chopra. His work is outstanding and timeless.

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None of them. They're new-age garbage.

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Then don't participate. 🩷

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