The Big Picture: God wins.

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Thank you Kate. Warrior's words for sure 🎯

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This served as a great reminder for me personally. Thank you, Kate, for reminding me to step away, take care of me and my relationships and most important of all, spend more time reading my bible.

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You’ve knocked it out of the park again! Great insight and well spoken. Thank you for taking the time to share what is on your heart. Blessings to you!

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Kate you are such an inspiration. And I am sure there are many of us that needed to hear these words right now. It is easy to burn out. I thank you for your wonderful work and support. We love you so much. You are beautiful inside and out.

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Very well SAID, Kate! And thank you, I needed this today.

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Thank you Kate. You give advice that balances the craziness we are all going through. When we put God first in our lives, blessings & balance calm the mind. "Therefore, since Christ suffered in the flesh [and died for us], arm yourselves [like warriors] with the same purpose [being willing to suffer for doing what is right and pleasing God], because whoever has suffered in the flesh [being like-minded with Christ] is done with [intentional] sin [having stopped pleasing the world], 1Peter 4:1

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Oh my gosh Kate, thank you for this. Sometimes it’s hard to give yourself permission to do anything else in this world except dig and research and try and make connections and speak to others spreading truth. So many days I think, what is more important than this? Your words are a good reminder that there is a lot that is truly more important in our own lives. Faith, Family, friends, kids, health, exercise, nature and so many other things which seem to have been placed on hold for years now as we suffer through these days which all seem to run into one another. You are so right, the balance of our inner and outer selves must take precedent if we are to remain mentally and physically strong to withstand this war and help others through as they too awake to the stark and bleak realizations that we have lived with for so long. Thank you for putting into words what I desperately needed to hear. Tomorrow I will make a point live with more balance. ❤️

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This is really really good. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

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I totally agree we have the power,need to keep that power and utilize that power,the power from God

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This is SO true! Thanks Kate!

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Wow! What a great surprise! You have surprised and delighted us once again with yet another great article. Thank you and keep up the great work! WWG1WGA!

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Great work Kate 👏 👍 👍 thank you 😊

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What a refreshing and reaffirming piece! Well done, Kate...♡ I'm sharing this!

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I must use all caps. THIS IS BRILLIANT. And precisely the right words at the right time for me today. Thank you.

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Very well written Kate. Excellent work!

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Thank you for the profound insight & inspiration in dealing with this {war on our minds}❣️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 The encouragement was very much needed; the coping mechanisms refreshing & {on target}🙏🏻🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸

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Thank you Kate. I get obsessed with daily information -a never ending onslaught of “breaking news” and I sleep with one eye open and my phone nearby so as to not miss anything! I long for justice and truth! And then I realize God is that! Following Jesus means being in fellowship with Him, giving my life to Him, so I’m convicted to draw nearer to Him, rest in Him, work for justice while trusting Him with everything! Without His help, we are spinning our wheels! Thank you for your encouragement!

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I needed that today. Like throwing a glass of water in my face. Remembering what I know to be true but letting myself get overwhelmed. It truly is balance. Thank you for the article.

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Beautifully written by a beautiful soul. 🙏🏼 Thank you KA. The fact that you’re also beautiful on the outside is just a bonus. Keep your fire stoked and your light burning bright. 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼Again, thank you for your wise take on this mess, your continued courage... your kids (if old enough to understand) must be so proud! If they aren’t yet old enough... just wait. You will go down in THEIR history books as “MY AMAZING MOM”.

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Great kick ass article. I am interested in doing the parasite protocol. I heard you did it. It would be great if you could share your experience. Thanks, Kate. You rock.

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I am on day 6 of the parasite protocol. If you follow ssgq or floridasharkman on Truth, they will give you all the information you need to get started. #parasitestories is where people share their experiences about it on Truth

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and humor is probably the best laxative to flush all the noise out of our systems!

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A little crying helps too.

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Laughter and pain makes quite a cocktail!

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Sometimes it just takes a new perspective or someone new to say it - for me to really hear, see and understand what it is I was supposed to hear a long time ago. Gods words come from people you would never suspect. Thank you - really needed this today and I too will be sharing.

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I couldn't agree more! Drop the rope that is pulling you/us between polarizing ideas. THEY want us fighting, distracted, asking for THEIR permission! Drop it and walk away and build something! Keep moving forward in the new world outside of THEIR control and others will see your peace and be inspired to follow you. You find true freedom when you take responsibility for your heart, mind, body, wealth and personal safety. FREE MEN DON'T ASK FOR PERMISSION.

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Thank you Kate. You are an amazing soul. Keep up the fight and the balance. You all are great members of Team America!!

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Fantastic read! 💯 Thx so much for writing it!

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Having a daughter getting married was the best medicine for refocusing priorities. I have more or less stopped the info obsession, deciding all I can do is be the best me I can be. I check in to catch what Jon is putting out re: devolution.. and here because I love your perspective and your desire to reach others with the truth.. much else has gone by the wayside.. feels good to be among the faithful living the life God intended us to live, being present and loving well. God is moving in you, thanks for putting this out there.

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I feel so alone in this journey. Thank you for all of your great articles and interviews.

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Beautiful written and agree 100%

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people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth

Whenever you align with the Light, your life will be easier and easier. Whenever you focus on the old world falling apart, things get worse again.

Time now does not favor intel junkies. It favors people who take their life in their own hands. Whatever your life situation now is, you can turn it into something much better in a few years or less, if you really dedicatedly work on it, regardless of the timing of the Event.

The Pleiadians are actively monitoring, evaluating and encouraging the progress of awakening of the most aware part of the surface population, and sending detached but loving energy to everyone else.









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Very well thought out and clearly stated Kate!

I’m with you. Since I just found your Site and obviously not by accident, Discerning minds think very much alike. I did the burn out as well which caused this caterpillar to really dig deep & excavate my inner Soul Self. CLARITY!

Everything is either a Lesson or a Blessing:-)

I’m feeling blessed after taking out my garbage bags of excrement @40k and haven’t felt this good in 3 yrs! I’m going back to facilitating “A Course in Miracles” & I love it as it’s all about Learning to LOVE 💕 One-Self!

My path was staring me in my Badass Face!

TUSM Kate! Joining! Had to check it out first 🕉️

This is Spiritual war for m, for our very Souls!

Not on my watch, I’ve been Conscious from 1990’s, Passionate, Responsible, dedicated,, Committed, and Authentic 💚 A High flying disc ! We’re creating The New Glorious Golden Era together~~~ 🔆After All, We are One planting 🍃 Seeds & Fishers of Souls.

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Kate I am so impressed by your profound wisdom as evidenced by this article that I wish I had found out about you earlier. I guess I wasn’t yet ready to hear you. Now that I have discovered you I am most grateful and appreciative. Thank you.

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I was in the anti-vax movement and was slandered all the time. Keep up the great work Kate. Demons always attack the Light.

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WE the People are tired of watching the County WE LOVE be DESTROYED by these Corrupt Traitors! We collectively have had ENOUGH! It is time for OUR Military, who has SWORN an Oath to NOT ONLY US-THE PEOPLE, but to OUR BELOVED CONSTITUTION! There is ENOUGH Evidence out there that WE can SEE, I can only image what we CANNOT!



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Kate! I adore you! I love’love’!

This was a quick and easy read that I really liked. Thank you!

To me the best part of this is you mentioning God! He was the only one. He is the only one. He is king! Jesus Christ is the the only way! There is no other! None!

Since Adam and Eve and Eve eating the apple the world has filled with sin. Everything it seems is designed to destroy! Destroy everything! Destroy family! Destroy love! Destroy everything good that God created! Satans work.

I recently listened to the book of Revelations on YouTube channel The Lion of Judah (I’m not sure if that’s right) and it brought so much peace to me! I had never heard anything like what the narrator talked of in the ending before. I could never have even imagined anything like that taking place here on earth! Brought peace to my troubled heart. Everyone I love, all of them have been jabbed and are in comas I’m absolutely broken about it.. 💔

God bless you and yours you beautiful young lady! 🙏

Mrs Hart 🤗🥰😘


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I have felt a shift in the momentum. It’s not our doing, but faith in God. This isn’t all there is. Wouldn’t it be hopeless if we thought there was nothing after this, yet sadly people do.

You are so right. We are in as much a spiritual war as a physical war.

I’ve been searching for God for a long time and not finding that perfect fit wasn’t happening and I didn’t know why. I think I’ve found my understanding and connection and it’s people like you and others I have followed that have help me so much.

When something resonates with people I believe it’s our inner voice, Holy Ghost or soul giving us that gut feeling that we are going in the right direction.

Looking forward to reading all of your articles. You’re blessed with the gift of writing. You are great at it.

Thanks again

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Thank you! This so resonated with how I feel right now! I needed to hear this. I know I’ve been careening toward the edge of the cliff; even my health is suffering from the anxiety and depression of the constant feed of doom and gloom. It’s addictive and moves at the speed of light and never takes a break. It so easy to get caught up in the FOMO syndrome. Thanks for the eloquent and concise delivery of making sure I give a f@#& about the truly important things essential for survival and growth and overall well-being! Thank you!

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Hi my name is Lisa. I'm also known as GODWINS777 . Ty for THIS! You have no idea how wonderful it was to read this today. I'm in that spot where there's so much good n bad info I'm spending more time trying to figure out WHAT to Focus on to help get to people than actually doing anything but tiring myself out. Recently I spent a Year of tirelessly working on something I thought would help immensely, and because part of a Team felt it was getting more done in a positive way. Well that didn't work out well! Lol! I worked from the moment I woke up until the moment I dropped 11-12 hours later. I did it whole heartedly for a year, only to discover ALL of my efforts were for nothing as one person was not who they claimed to be. Needless to say, heartbroken I quietly left, and know that the TRUTH always comes out and I know I did everything I could and for the GOOD, which is more than I can say for this other person. I put it ALL in GODS hands n Pray often for those still in the rat race with them.

At this point, I'm Praying and Listening to that small voice within me! Recovering as well and looking at all opportunities GODS brought me. I am not a Victim and only want what we all want! A happy, healthy, beautiful World that we can all be proud of and enjoy! WWG1WGA!

On that note, Keep on Keeping on, and Thank you again! We are ALL Warriors for GOOD and We are always ONE ! Be Blessed! 💜🙏 Lisa

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It’s funny that I’m reading this today as I was just having a conversation with a good friend of mine and we discussed this topic. We’re both going through challenges with our siblings who are not well. We spoke about how God is guiding us on having to care for our siblings and at the same time stay grounded with all this information and insanity happening here and all around the world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, right on time

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You are "spot on" on where we are located on the return path image. Thanks for that. We have rounded the corner. At the rounding of the corner there is a transition away from that which is being recognized as unviable to that which we know to be viable. actual and True. In actuality, it is the end of a thought exercise away from God and Source - recognizing the unviability of that thought system - and transitioning back to the recognition God is the Truth and Source of All. It is the point of transition that seems disruptive and old beliefs die hard and struggle for relevance and place in the mind. The existing thought system has to fail as it is based in untruth and fraud, if you will. The transition is made easier and happens less painfully to the degree you recognize what is going on and have faith in a Higher Power and Truth. The harder you hold to the old belief system, the more painful this transition will be.

You are correct this is an internal battle and bless you for recognizing this- it is a battle within your own mind played and projected outward, because that is what we do here. That is the entire basis of the "material universe". There is no matter, there is only thought. To the degree we recognize this and recognize our own Power to Create our own reality, the easier the transition becomes. In Truth, you create your reality in the same manner God Creates, by a simple statement of Truth. God is Truth thus His very Word carries the Full Weight and Power of Ultimate Truth. We are Created in His Image and create in the same manner. What we hold and believe to be true, is true for us and thus reflected in our own reality. You are the effect of what you believe is true, and enslaved or freed by the same.

Your own salvation has always been in your own hands and Mind.

To boil it down, we are ever presented with two choices, the thought system of the ego (serve self) or the thought system of the God/the Holy Spirit/Christ Mind which leads back to God. Both cannot co-exist as one cancels the other. Belief in the ego and service to self (self-ish) cancels out knowledge of God and Truth. Recognition of the ego as an illusion and seeking only Truth, cancels out the ego's thought system.

It's a difficult subject to communicate properly, but is really this simple. The ego and this world is a product of an imaginary exercise into what might exist "outside" of God. This happens within Mind, and nowhere else. There is nothing outside, senior, above or back of God. ONLY GOD EXISTS. ONLY TRUTH EXISTS. Anything not of God or True is mere illusion and has no reality. Everything that Exists, Exists in the Mind of God, even You. There is nothing else. God only Creates within His Own Mind, as there is nowhere else to Create.

When one imagines what might exist "outside" of God, the only place to go and the only thing to Imagine are things opposite of God, hence a world of death, pain, suffering, loss and a little "personal" self not created out of Love at all, a base ego comprised only of negative attributes - opposite of a Child of God. Any negative thought or feeling you have is always of the ego. All Good comes from God, and Your True Self.

The ego is the result of an idea of a "personal self" outside of God. This is an illusion, but belief in illusion as truth obfuscates Truth, as if it never existed. One cannot wholly believe in illusion and Truth simultaneously, one must prevail and one cancels the other.

We are all One and the Same, a Child of God created equally. We are Created By God out of God. There is no difference between any of us, except what we might difference we might err in believing.

Make this world meaningless, and God/Truth fills the void, as only God/Truth actually Exists. Illusion is not real.

We are truly created "In His Image". We are Awareness comprised of Will and Imagination - the requisites for a True Creator. God gave us His All, He Gave HIMSELF. The only thing left to understand is that God is Love and we can know this as only Love allows for Perfect Creation. God is Perfect and Creates Perfectly. God Created out of Love. GOD IS LOVE. God does not experiment or make mistakes. When God Wills something into existence, it is Willed as Perfect and Eternal, just as You are Perfect and Eternal. We are Created out of Love. We do not display or understand love so well in this illusion as the nature of this "opposite" reality, by nature, marginalizes Love.

You were Created out of Love to Know and Share in God's Peace and Joy. You were Created to Extend God's Love just as He extended it to You.

You are sinless as what happens in Mind does not happen at all. Don't buy into the illusion of sin. You cannot approach God carrying a belief in sin within your heart. You cannot sin against God. You cannot harm God or His Kingdom in any remote manner by what you do in imagination and you could not and would not harm God or His Kingdom, even if you tried.

Imagine you are sitting with God, as you do every morning having your usual cup of tea. Imagine you have the "early morning stares" and are looking off and down lost in a thought of "what might exist outside of God?" You are lost in this thought, fleshing it out, playing out a "what if... scenario. God is right next to you smiling softly and patiently waiting for you to finish your thought. He could nudge you and wake you up from your dream, but he loves and respects you too much for that and he knows this thought is necessary for you. He patiently waits as he knows the outcome of this thought. He has willed the outcome. You will finish your thought. and you will lift your face back to God and in that moment, know your True Home forever and You and He will know True Joy once again. Make no mistake, God misses your attention and all his Kingdome is bereft without Your full attention.

In your "what if" exercise, you are right now at the point of recognizing a world "outside" of God necessarily comprised of "opposites" of God doesn't really work. It is undesirable and unviable. Pain, loss and suffering will never end. The good is always carries with it the negative and opposite expression. This is no place for You. You recognize this as Truth and You have just begun lifting your face back to God. You have just rounded the corner. You are now on the return path Home.

You are the Prodigal Son. Read that story again. It was written for You.

This is all that is really happening. All this "reality" is but a symbol of that thought exercise projected out of your mind so it looks and seems "real." You are using the most Powerful Force in Existence when you exercise Your Imagination and Mind.

Understand You have made no mistake nor committed any sin. God Creates Perfectly and You are his most Magnificent and Perfect Creation. He forever sees You as His Perfect Creation. You are sinless in God's eyes. You are Him, in every respect, but You must Know Your Place With Him, and this little exercise will affirm and confirm that Place.

You have rounded the corner. You are on your way Home. The old ideas and beliefs and "entities" You Imagined to create and populate this world seem real to You and there will be a bit of "disentangling" as you change your thought system. But this is to be expected.

Some ideas will die hard. Others will come at the opportune time. Expect Miracles on the way, for You are on motioning towards God now and not away. You are truly on Your Way Home.

Took me 50 years to learn this, but my children know this from day 1.

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Epic article Kate. The part that resonates with me is "wwg1wga" means I'm taking my kids/grandkids along even if they aren't aware. I love that idea...it really made me feel comfortable with what I'm doing by standing strong, being aware, and spreading positive things. 👍

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Very well said!

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Kate thank you and please continue. Your words inspire in different ways! Thank you!!

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Wow! Really good. You are a gifted writer! Thank you! I'm also wowed by the match with what I woke up with on my mind this morning and just posted on Truth Social... :) https://truthsocial.com/users/Deb12233/statuses/109002921494085484

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Thank you Kate. Seeking God's direction for our daughter's PTSD.

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Do benefit from your work and as often as not find myself to be in general agreement on solid ground, when not otherwise on an exacting wavelength, with what you say. Also, liked the way you chose to say it. Your heart Really is in the right place, as is your willingness to be personally responsible, so am curious which piece, if any, didn’t feel right, to look more closely at, with regards to who will save your soul, as an important rhetorical question for anyone. Yes, I know all their reasons why and that a stigma exists and that we live in a country with religious freedom. Yet still, as you imply and say, self-empowerment and personal growth are not always easy to take back, or gain. We live in a predominately Christian Nation. We needn’t suffer, as he already did, by making an addition that requires no subtraction, and that should not be forgotten, in my own estimation, against the impact of the words of truth and love that only need be accepted as a personal responsibility to be saved from a potentially terrible transition. I have faith in that now, and oddly without you I may have never. Plus, I feel less guilty, for ignoring the minutia today and taking the time to look within to imagine a 40million mile view that could put me on Mars. Appreciated that perspective, some humor and the unifying message contained across it, mostly with a smile. Thanks for being, on balance, a badass for the cause, while keeping those ripples coming. It was really good.

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As an older person it swells my heart to see that the younger generation is not all woke. There are some brilliant minds among the younger generation (you being one of them). I am impressed with the Anons and their abilities. They have taught me that there is hope for this country’s future. Todays war is unconventional and I thank God everyday for those leading the way into this Great Awakening. What a time to be alive huh? Kate, your insight is amazing.

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Kate, that has to be one of the BEST articles I have read from anyone who has experienced the great awakening, OR anything else, Period!! You have incredible ideas that are reasonable and doable if a person wants to do so. That is where so many people fall by the wayside, because when things really get tough, it is up to us to fight it and find a way out of that maze that we put ourselves in! I have family members who totally depend upon someone else to take care of them in their lives, we were not raised like that. But I was the fourth child out of seven. We were all very naïve, uninformed (other than what we found out for ourselves), & sensitive with parents that had actually gone through the great depression, and had lived very poor but worked picking cotton from early ages, and they wanted to make sure that we had everything we needed in life, not everything we wanted. I never wanted for anything because I never knew any better. If you don’t have it in life then you never miss it. The one thing that I had from an early age (around three) was a strong believe in God the Eternal Father, in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and the Holy Ghost. And, I was very patriotic also, I suppose because my parents were. So, when I turned 18 on the next voting round I was old enough to vote. I can’t say that I knew anything about government really because I didn’t. I tended to vote based on how the person presented themselves, or how they looked. I guess I was also very stupid! The one thing I never knew about was how gangster the government was and is. That can be said for both sides of the parties involved. Thanks to my Heavenly Father for my husband, who is from Colombia S. A. He came to this country with $300 and a ticket to go back, but he came here to better himself and learn as much as he could about everything, which I think he did an outstanding job. Nothing is ever in his way of succeeding at what he wants to accomplish! That kind of attitude will rub off on you from your partner in life. I’ve learned more in my years of marriage to someone who is so smart and knows so much about A LOT of stuff, like our government and other governments around the world, among many many other things. I have listened to him for many years, but I still like to research things for myself. And that is the way people should do it, if they really want to find out what’s really going on. A lot of it is heartbreaking and beyond belief that such evil could exist and had existed while we were sleeping. We were so busy raising our kids that we didn’t take the time to get this involved in our World around us. And now it’s all that I do is study read study some more and I don’t want to quit doing that, even though it’s time consuming and it can drag you down if you let it. You’ve got to know when to step back a little to catch your breath. You have presented an incredible rendition of what is going on in our lives that we should be more concerned about than any possession that we own & that’s our Eternal life! Thank you for one of the best reads that I’ve experienced in quite a while! I have subscribed!!!

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You should know that Marcus Goldfinch of George News (“ThecollectiveQ” and “HudsonWHunter”) is a cyber-criminal, a stalker, a fraud, and a piece of garbage. See the criminal history of this Insurrectionist pedophile at http://marcusgoldfinch.com/

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