Took me 50 years to find my mission: an anti-vaccine activist - who became one of the best known antivaxxers in the world because of my work on Facebook (banned in late 2020).

Little did I know I required 30 years of training after schooling to do all the things on this list so I could become good at what I did - including supporting myself financially as an anti-vaccine activist.

Finding your mission and activating it is challenging, even daunting, but once you are fully engaged, it’s extremely rewarding.

Don’t give up. Keep going in the general direction until you are living your life’s purpose.

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Wow, way to go! I'm anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-doctors, aka drug pushers and drugs in general... if it ain't natural it doesn't belong in or on your body. Had my FakeBook battles b4 just giving up and getting off FB all together in early 2022. I missed some of my friends esp those I'd made or reconnected with in the battle and returned fall of '23. I'm noticing a real difference now, FB censorers aka "fact checkers" are still a pain in the ass but their actions seem to have no teeth. Something has changed and I've taken it as my "mission" to educate and persuade the many mindless morons that float around on FB. I used to be a great show skier and many or the young water babies look up to me and I think I can be a great influence so there I am putting it out there despite the fact that it's an annoying daily battle. If you haven't already, you might try a "come-back". It's definitely different than it was in late 2020, a horrifying time...I prayed a lot. Mostly questioning that I was doing the right thing and wanting a sign that I was on the right track. I saw my signs 😉

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I'd love to - but if mainstream media saw it, I would be deleted in a sec. Once I was allowed back onto Twitter mainstream media ran a hit piece on me. But X will keep me; Meta would not.

Keep going!

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Try it, you might be surprised. We need people like you on our team. Friend me if you change your mind

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Great read! Very uplifting and I love reading positive messages. Thank you and God Bless you 🙏🏻💯

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Outstanding, Kate. Love how you’re forging ahead here, and inspiring us as you go!

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Synchronicities are interesting to watch in real time. Last week I was in my vehicle and wrote a personal testimony and experience to honor Kate. It was written prior to the Mission Possible posts. Remember to read and try to remember the personal details she shares, not just the greater wisdom shared. Both are imporant. Kate eloquently reiterated all the big points I wanted to share about herself. I really enjoy reading everyone's comments. I pick up on things at the right time. Please don't stop.

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Great post, perservence gets it accomplished. We need to remove the word "Can't" from our vocabulary and replace it with Won't to be honest with ourselves. We can accomplish whatever we focus our energies on. The truth is it's tough to maintain that focus when Life challenges our commitment to the task. Life will allow you to set thnigs in place to create and start to implement your plan and then throw a momkey wrench in the middle of your plan to test your resolve to your commitment. Many hit that monkey wrench and give up, it sounded good but they didn't really want to commit the energy required to achieve said goal. When you keep your focus on the goal and don't let he monkey wrenches take your eye off to goal. If you perservere you will achieve your goal. Sometimes the monkey wrench shows us a better way to achieve said goal than our original plan.

The Monkey wrench is chaos, the universe works on the chaos theory. In the calmness in the middle of the chaos lies the path to achieve your desires. Learn to be comfortable doing the unconfortable... Life will align with you and help you succede what ever that looks like for you.... Peace...

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Good list. I think there is one key to everything else:

Remember who you really are.

Everything else will eventually fall neatly into place.

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Small steps lead to great leaps. Positivity and strength leaves no bounds. Never put off until tomorrow what you can achieve today. You will achieve great things Kate because you’re a fighter of truth and understanding. Your sensitivity shines through, this isn’t and never will be a downside of strength but only ever a loving side to you which a vast amount of people seem to have lost during the past couple of decades. ❤️🤗

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Beautifully written, Kate; and from this perspective in my life (later sixties), extremely validating. Love the quotes, too! Thank you!

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Right on, Kate. Lessons learned. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. Let yourself shine.

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Great article Kate! Your article really helped me. I've been struggling for a while trying to find my purpose.Thank you for reminding me to never give up on finding my purpose in life and to always keep moving forward no matter the obstacle. You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for all you do. It's always appreciated!! Blessings to you and your son. ❤️😊

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Thanks Kate. 🙏🏻

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❤️🇺🇲❤️ Great story, Lessons, Hope ❣️

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Thought evoking when not provoking this sudden infusion of reality making its way to reconciliation into one’s world view. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes while that ending feels personalized like it won’t be for everyone other than Penelope and Odysseus when he returned home to find her missing on a different timeline while keeping the faith in that one as well that she will find a way back being exhausted from his Odyssey and daily search. Didn’t come here for anything and did numerous small seemingly unimportant things in a big way to find out and discover more than you know. Well, maybe not you thanks to us. The Truth won't be for everyone. There is a place for everyone to be collected as a pearl of great price. That choice, to know, will be yours on this earth and the new one, even now in these ages that have come. 🩷

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Got some good stuff here. “Carry on Sarge.”

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Life lessons are there for you to learn something, not a life sentence

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